GPMHAI U9 Tier 3 Fun Day Application (Petawawa Minor Hockey)

GPMHAI U9 Tier 3 Fun Day Application
This form has a limit of 6 submissions. At the moment this page loaded, 0 submissions have been submitted.

Petawawa Minor Hockey Tournament Application - U9 Tier 3

This form will submit a request to attend the Petawawa U9 Tier 3 tournament.

Payment via EMT ([email protected]) is the preferred method. Please include Coach/Manager Full Name, Age Group and Team Name in the comments box to ensure your payment is tracked. We do not have autodeposit so password should be "hockey".

Teams that withdraw within 30 days of the tournament will not be refunded. Teams that withdraw prior to the 30 day cutoff will be refunded the full amount, less a $25.00 administration fee. Tournaments that are cancelled will be refunded in full. Refunds can only be completed by cheque for auditing reasons.

Teams will not be confirmed as accepted until payment is received in full. Form will automatically lock out once maximum teams are reached, after this point teams should contact the Tournament Director (email below) for placement on the wait list.

All inquiries should be directed to [email protected].
This form has a limit of 6 submissions. At the moment this page loaded, 0 submissions have been submitted.